By Sarah Opdahl
There was a tension-spiked Town Meeting held on Tuesday, September 17 to vote on the rescinding of remaining American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to reallocate them for other projects. At issue for many residents is a sewer study, for which the design will soon be complete. What remained in the balance was a decision of whether or not to forgo pursuing legal matters, including an interlocal agreement with Danbury on sewage flow. Opponents of rescission see the matter as a possibly illegal rebuke of the original ARPA vote; proponents see the reallocated funds as an answer to immediate Town needs. First Selectman Ms. Melissa Lindsey assured the dozens of residents in attendance that she received legal backing for the rescission. In the end, the ayes had it and the ARPA funds were rescinded and reallocated. An additional appropriation was also approved to fully fund the track and turf replacement, which will occur next summer. A machine vote is scheduled for Saturday, September 28 to vote on the ARPA reallocations.
Moderator and oft-peacekeeper Ms. Cheryl Reedy handily dealt with the logistics of the votes and was fair in overseeing comments from the emotion-fueled public. The following three votes were all approved, and the final vote was unanimous:
· To consider and take action to rescind the ARPA funds approved by town referendum on October 11, 2022, for Sewer Design and Permitting ($725,712), Small Business Grants ($39,500), Pandemic Premium Pay ($1,597), Emergency Housing Fund ($25,000) that were not spent or encumbered as of September 17, 2024.
· To consider and act upon the expenditure of American Rescue Plan Funds of $1,094,143 on: Ball Pond Watershed Stormwater Drainage / Arden Avenue, Merlin Avenue and Orehill Road Phase 1, Candlewood Corners Drainage Repairs, Bear Mountain Bridge Safety Improvements, Senior Center Dam Study, Town Hall Parking Lot Drainage, Company A Firehouse Split System, Siding, Roof, and Soffit Replacement, Squantz Pond Firehouse Air Conditioning Replacement, Senior Center Exterior Doors, ARPA Voting Expenses, and High School Track and Turf Field Replacement.
· To consider and authorize an Additional Appropriation to transfer $600,000 from General Fund – Unreserved to Board of Education Capital and Non-Recurring Fund for the purpose of replacing the New Fairfield Rebel Stadium Turf and Track.
The sewer study matter was the main item of contention, as all in the room appeared to agree with the plan to fund the track and turf replacement, though not on how to fund it, as many see the Town’s over $1 million in surplus funding as the appropriate pool to draw from. There is frustration on both sides because if an interlocal agreement is signed with Danbury, which would make the sewer more of a “shovel ready” project, the Town would need to begin paying for the flow to Danbury whether the sewer exists or not. Discussion at the meeting was passionate regarding the matter but was brief as it was truncated with requests to Call the Question, which halts any further comments.