By Michelle L. Santoro
Sherman – With less than a full board, and no residents in attendance, the Sherman School Board of Education (“BOE and/or “Board”) convened for a brief regularly scheduled board meeting on January 8, 2025, in the Sherman School Library and via Zoom, the first meeting of the new year. Administratively, the Board quickly reviewed and approved the December meetings and retreat minutes, personnel actions, the monthly enrollment and budget reports and current bills. It also unanimously voted its approval of the 2025/26 district calendar.
Committee representatives present had nothing to report on, following the holidays. Dr. Patricia Cosentino delivered her Superintendent Update. She reported that New Fairfield’s Superintendent declined Sherman’s offer to collaborate on middle school sports but encouraged Sherman middle school students to join New Fairfield’s program. The superintendent thanks Sarah Wiggins for all that she does. Ms. Wiggins and Amanda O’Neill spoke at an earlier BOE meeting regarding the possible collaboration of Sherman’s athletic department and New Fairfield Middle School. The Sherman administrative team met with First Selectman Don Lowe and David Jellen of Happy Acres Farm to discuss a collaborative relationship between the school and the Town farm. “The meeting went very well. It looks promising,” she said. It is likely those participating in such a collaboration may have use of the old Town bus, with the possibility of a driver too. Next steps – a visit to the farm, an outing the Board wishes to attend. Dr. Pat and her team have commenced working on the 2025/26 BOE budget.
The Board unanimously voted to approve the following policies, all of which were on last month’s agenda: Policy 3453: Student Activity Funds, Policy 3450: Monies in School Buildings, Policy 0523: Equity and Diversity, Policy 1110.3: School Governance Councils, Policy 1110.2: Parent Portal Acceptable Use and Safety, and Policy 1316.1: Public Conduct at School Activities.
The Board advised that member Tim Laughlin meets with them daily providing updates on the school renovation project; however there was nothing new to report. It is expected that further updates, including cost estimates, will be presented at the next BOE meeting. Dr. Pat advised of a virtual school building committee meeting that was scheduled for Monday, January 13, at which a reconciliation of two different cost estimates was to occur.
Before adjourning, Board Chair Matt Vogt noted he attended the lower school’s holiday band concert in December, in which his children participated for the first time. “I can’t help but say that those kids have no business being as good as they are,” he jokingly said while doling out praise for Mr. Carlone. “I don’t understand what magic Mr. Carlone is doing … It’s an unbelievable program; he’s doing an amazing job,” Mr. Vogt said. The Board also recognized the work and dedication of Stephen Trinchillo, who teaches music and chorus.
The next regular Board of Education Meeting is scheduled for February 5, 2025, at 7:00 p.m., in the LMC and via Zoom. The Policy Committee meets January 21 at 6:00 p.m. via Zoom. The next Negotiations meeting is scheduled January 15 at 4:00 p.m. – in-person.